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UP Tennessee Sour Mash Whiskey Essence – 1000 ml

UP Tennessee Sour Mash Whiskey Essence – 1000 ml

UP Tennessee Sour Mash Whisky is a powerful American corn whiskey without the smokiness.
Drink neat “on the rocks” or mixed with soda, Ginger Ale, orange juice or Cola.

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UP Tennessee Sour Mash Whiskey Essence – 1000 ml

The Original Prestige

1000 ml bottle. Makes 50 – 750ml bottles.

Pour 20ml into a 750ml (US 25 fl. oz.) bottle.  Fill 3/4 full with vodka.  Shake bottle to mix, then fill up bottle with vodka & shake until contents are fully blended. Similar to Jack Daniels®.

® Trademark of respective manufacturer

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