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Still Spirits Distiller’s Yeast Whiskey – 72 grams

Still Spirits Distiller’s Yeast Whiskey – 72 grams

Still Spirits – 72 grams

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Still Spirits Distiller’s Yeast Whiskey – 72 grams

Still Spirits Distiller’s Yeast Whiskey

Active single culture whiskey yeast strain with a blend of yeast nutrients, enzymes, vitamins, and trace minerals.

A specialist active dried Whiskey distiller’s yeast producing an optimum congener profile for elegant, well-rounded, and refined whiskey spirit for oak aging.

For those wanting to ferment with genuine yeast strain when making Whiskey.

Sufficient for up to 6.6 Gallons.

Distiller’s Yeasts are designed for use when making spirits from grain or traditional ingredients.

Whiskey Distillery Yeast is a pure culture Whiskey strain of Saccharomyces Cerevisiae used widely in commercial whiskey. It has robust and authentic aromatics even in high-alcohol fermentations. It includes the advantage of complete nutrition and amyloglucosidase to complete dextrin conversion of malt or grain. This will provide a maximum yield as well as rapid fermentation to 15% ABV.



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