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IO Star 16oz

IO Star 16oz

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SKU: IOSTAR-12X16 Categories: ,

Additional Information

IO Star 16oz

Low-foaming, iodine based, no-rinse sanitzer.
Best for use on pump, spray and CIP applications.
May slightly stain vinyl tubing and plastic parts over time, but will not effect the functionality.

Thoroughly clean surfaces with PBW or compatible cleaner.
Mix 1 oz. IO Star for every 5 gal. of water.
Apply on surface with cloth, mop, sponge, spray, or immersion.
If using spray application, use a coarse mist, pump, or trigger sprayer and spray 6-8 inches from surface and follow up with a brush or sponge.
Allow for contact time of at least 1-2 minutes.
Drain, but do not rinse.
May slightly stain vinyl tubing and some plastic parts over time, but will not affect the functionality.

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