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High Spirits Turbo 24 Turbo Yeast 210 grams

High Spirits Turbo 24 Turbo Yeast 210 grams

by Brewhaus(America) Inc.Turbo Yeast 24 gives pure, fast fermentation to 14% in as little as 24 hours. …

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Additional Information

High Spirits Turbo 24 Turbo Yeast 210 grams

High Spirits Turbo 24 will ferment 13lbs (6kg) of sugar in a 6.5 gallon (25L) wash in 1-2 days. The combination of a very high temperature tolerant (to over 100F!) neutral fermenting yeast and a special blend of minerals, vitamins, and nutrients offer the purest fermentation of any turbo yeast available.

All High Spirits yeasts are Urea Free!

210g Sachet

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