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Distillers Yeast 18-20% Turbo Yeast 115 grams

Distillers Yeast 18-20% Turbo Yeast 115 grams

by Gert Strand AB. A good yeast for high alcohol mashes, even in larger batches if sugar is added in two stages.

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Distillers Yeast 18-20% Turbo Yeast 115 grams

The Original Prestige

Distillers Turbo yeast 18-20%. With this Turbo one can sometimes ferment large batches to 18% by adding 1/3 of the sugar at the beginning, and 2/3 of the sugar after one week. This is normally impossible with high alcohol Turbos, because when alcohol content reaches 14% or so and the temperature is too high, the heat kills the yeast and fermentation stops prematurely.

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